Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baby BOY Taylor aka Cruz Kane Taylor

IT'S A BOY! We are SO excited! After our 11 week ultrasound the tech said she was 80%sure it was girl. We were excited, we just prayed for a healthy baby. However, the more and more we read into it and the bigger and bigger my baby bump got we decided we wanted to know 100% what we were having! We then scheduled an appointment at 4D Baby which is strictly an ultrasound center that does not offer medical diagnosis or anything like that. I was 15 weeks along so we had a good shot at possibly seeing whether Baby Taylor would be a boy or a girl. After a few minutes of chit-chat with the tech, she said "Oh yes, it's for sure a BOY!" we couldn't believe it! We were ecstatic! Neither of us had said it at the time, but Nick and I both secretly wished for a boy as our first. We already had a name picked out for him, Cruz Kane Taylor. We can't wait until we can see him again. We will update soon...:)

Friday, June 3, 2011

...and baby makes 3!

It's been forever since I have taken the time to blog. Partly because nothing has seemed "blog worthy"...until now.

My mind has always been setup when it came to us expanding our family. My education has always been a priority for me, so I definitely wanted to graduate with at least my Bachelor's before we expanded the Taylor herd. Nick on the other hand would have been in hog heaven with a baby years ago! At least one of us has SOME sort of sense! :) In late December we decided it was time to "plan" our expansion since I would be graduating that following May. We decided we would start trying in February and see what God had in store for us. Apparently He wanted us to wait just a wee-bit longer and on May 4th, on a whim, I decided to take a home pregnancy test. To our was POSITIVE! We were extremely ecstatic, but only told close family and friends since it was still very early.

Yesterday, June 2nd, was our first doctor's appointment and they confirmed it! There's definitely a gummy bear in there! There are not even words to describe how excited we are! Our due date is January 10, 2012...I know, seems as if it's 5 years away but I know that it will come within a blink of an eye.

We will continue to invite you on our wonderful journey through various to you then! :)