Time has gone by so quickly, and it has happened without us even realizing it. The married life is wonderful, and we are both very happy. I am working and attending summer schoool now, dreading it, but attending nevertheless and Nick just started his summer job as a AAA driver, and so far he loves it! It seems as if the summer is slipping away, even though I hate to see it go I can't wait for cooler weather. It has been at least 110 for the last few weeks which is hard to deal with at times. Everything is going great though, we just thought we would touch base a little.
Even though the majority of you attended the wedding, I thought I would post a few of our favorite pictures from our Big Day and also from our after shoot. Pictures by nancyRsmith photography, http://www.scrappinsafari.com. Nancy did wonderfully, we fell in the love with all of our pictures!!
